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Track a shipment To track the status of your belongings, whether it is in storage, at the port or in transit on a vessel, you can use our automated tracking system by clicking here
For General Inquiries 555 8TH Avenue New York NY 10018 USA info@prismacargosolutions.com toll free number: 1-877-386-0199
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Customer Service If you have general questions about your shipment after you signed a contract with us, you can contact our customer service department at: customerservice@prismacargosolutions.com
Operation Department You can also contact our crew of professional operative people who will organize your move from the beginning to the end, if you have specific questions please feel free to contact them at: operation@prismacargosolutions.com
Jobs and Career Opportunities Learn what it is like to work at Prisma Cargo Solutions LLC, learn about our training and development sessions, meet our people, learn about our company history, and explore our locations. Please feel free to send your resume at info@prismacargosolutions.com
Accounting For accounting, accounts and payable, billing inquiries, to have updates about your invoice, please contact: accounting@prismacargosolutions.com
Sales Representatives To receive a free shipping quotation you can click here , send us an email or call us. To receive a free home survey please specify your address, phone number and best time for us to do the survey then send your request via email to: sales1001@prismacargosolutions.com